Spamming is strictly prohibited and punishable by law!

You are solely responsible for any unwanted email or message you send, as Monocomsoft has a strict policy against spamming. By creating a user account and registering with our app, you agree to comply with our No-Spam Policy for Senders. As developer of the email sending and lead generation software, Monocomsoft bears no liability for any damages or violations as a result of your actions.

We fully retain the right to stop or withhold any ongoing technical support, bar users from accessing the software and other services should we receive complaints about any misuse, illegal or wrongful doing.

What is a spam?

Spam may be defined as Unsolicited Bulk E-Mail (UBE) or Unsolicited Commercial E-Mail (UCE). In either case spam is any unsolicited mass email or electronic message, whether promotional or not. It is also spam to send emails to individuals with whom you don't have a business relationship or who have not subscribed to your products and services.

Anti-spam laws have been enacted by many countries to stop any abuse or inconvenience suffered by the recipients of any form of mass email or electronic message, such as sending unsolicited emails, using deceptive subject lines, or failing to provide an unsubscribe link. The primary purpose and spirit of anti-spam laws is the same, regardless of the country in which they are enacted. All anti-spam laws are designed to protect people from unwanted and harmful emails, and to make email a more reliable and efficient communication tool.

For convenience sake we would refer to US Anti-Spam Act called CAN-SPAM ACT 2003 (As per Wikipedia page)

How to Report Abuse

If you believe that a Monocomsoft customer is sending unsolicited email, please feel free to report it to us by forwarding the email or message to We take your complaints seriously and will properly investigate each complaint and take suitable action against the violators of our policies.