Email marketing

Effectiveness and Importance Of Email Marketing and how Data Extraction tools play an Important Role


An email has been an essential business communication tool for the longest time, and despite the launch of options such as Slack and Whatsapp, there is no sign of e-mail’s importance diminishing. Whether intra-organizational communication or reaching out to prospects outside your immediate network, e-mail has proven to be the most simple, effective, and comfortable mode of communication.

No matter whatever product or service you may have, if you want to reach out to people to market it, e-mail is by far the best method. Here are some of the reasons that mail e-mail an effective mode of communication:

  1. Easy availability of email IDs

  2. Easy to create a large data bank of prospects

  3. A simple yet efficient way to explain your point of view

  4. Long-format mode of communication allows ease of presenting the content

Why is Data Extraction For Email Marketing Necessary ?

Data extraction is a way to efficiently pull out email IDs from multiple sources, solving the simple problem of wasting time and resources on a task that can be automated easily—as per research by McKinsey, emailing is 40 times more effective for customer acquisition than social media. A statista study has also concluded that US companies spent over USD3 billion in 2019 on email marketing. Another study shows that around 347 billion emails will be sent out daily by 2023.

Looking at these facts and figures, it is simple to conclude that data extraction is developing into a majorly competitive tool that can easily give your marketing efforts the desired boost right from the day you begin to use it. Not only does it help you reach the right audience, but it also saves you a lot of effort that may have otherwise gone into getting the data hunted manually.